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Pierre-Emmanuel RAUTOU

Professor, Hôpital Beaujon,  Paris-Clichy, France

Pierre-Emmanuel RAUTOU (MD, PhD) is a clinical specialist in Hepatology with a PhD in vascular biology (2011). He is Professor of Hepatology at Université Paris-Cité and Hôpital Beaujon (Clichy, France) since 2016. He is the head of the splanchnic hemodynamic laboratory at Beaujon Hospital (Clichy, France) since 2012. He is also leading an Inserm team dedicated to the study of the role of vessels in liver diseases, at the INSERM Unit 1149 (Paris Research Center on Inflammation).

His research is focused on the role of vessels in liver diseases. Specifically, he is interested in primary vascular liver diseases (portal vein thrombosis and porto-sinusoidal vascular disorder), as well as in vascular involvement in common liver diseases development and complications (extracellular vesicules, coagulation, endothelial cells).